Monday, July 19, 2010

Part 4 Learning During the First Few Weeks of Life

By the time a baby reaches 16 weeks of age, she will likely have begun to show interest in matters other than feeding, sleeping, and being kept dry and clean. She will want to be held and will enjoy being propped up. Objects that attract attention and stimulate curiosity on a broader scale should come into her experience at this time. She should have her feeding and sleeping routine fairly well established. Encourage her to follow moving objects with her eyes and to reach for things with her hands. Provide frequent opportunities for her to vocalize, touch, and reach for things.

The 16-week-old child should show some emotional response to outside stimuli. She should be cooing and trying to make initial sounds other than crying. She should be stimulated to smile, even laugh aloud, and to respond to all kinds of sound and motion.

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