Saturday, July 17, 2010

Part 2 Learning During the First Few Weeks of Life

Crib Toys

Be sure that the crib is an active, responsive place—a place your baby will enjoy. Inexpensive crib toys are commonly used to offer sensory experiences for the infant from about the age of four months to the time he is able to crawl. Such toys should be colorful so that they attract your child’s vision as he is learning to focus his eyes. They should, if possible, stimulate your child to want to reach, which provides practice in coordinating his arm and leg muscles. Some crib toys should make sounds to stimulate the sense of hearing; they should be responsive to the movement of hands and feet. They should excite and stimulate curiosity. Toys should be rotated frequently so that they do not lose their appeal. The more sound, color, and touch stimulation for your child, the greater will be his opportunity for growth during the early months of life.

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