Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Part 1 Playtime with your infant During the First 16 Weeks

Facinating Faces

Before playing with your infant make sure that he is ready: diaper, recently fed, recently had a nap.  Position him so that he is looking straight at you.  Your baby loves to look at you and is facinated by your face.  Try opening your mouth wide with a smile and making ooooooh and aaaaaaaah noises.  Stick out your tongue and move your eyebrows up and down.  Make silly faces.  Laugh.  This game will stimulate your infant's intellect and will also bond you with your baby.  You may even notice that your infant may be imitating you by sticking out his tongue or making noises.  This simple game may only last for only a minute or two, but will reward you and your baby again and again. 

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