Friday, February 7, 2014

Introduction to Building Your Child's Intellect Blog

As a child of well known educator TH Bell, one of my earliest memories was playing chess with my dad.  I remember being introduced to the chess pieces: the King, the Queen, the Rooks, the Knights, the Bishops, and the Pawns. I was fascinated and excited about the various shapes and personalities of each chess piece.  Then dad taught me how each chess piece moved on the chess board.  After his introduction, we started to play the game. I was delighted.  We continued to play each morning before he would leave for work.

This experience of playing chess with dad was a part of a program that he devised for my home-based early childhood education. By following his program, (along with my mom) he left a legacy for me: a love of learning and a keen intellect.

Now as a dad, I enjoy learning activities with my children such as: clapping rhythms, looking at books, making sounds of animals, playing piano, going on walks and hikes, and playing chess.  I would like to share this home-based early childhood education program with the readers of my blog.  As you follow along, I hope that you will be inspired by some of the ideas.

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