Friday, February 21, 2014

A Passion For Learning Is One Of The Greatest Gifts You Can Give Your Child

If you are reading this blog, there is most likely a child in whose future you feel invested. A child you want to see grow up to be confident, intelligent and kind. A child whose natural brilliance lies brimming beneath the surface of his eager eyes. A child whose eyes look to you for love and direction. This blog was written to help you unearth your child’s unique brilliance and bring it to a glowing shine. And it is simpler than you might think.

Because your child is yours, you are in the prime position to enlighten, enable, and inspire her.
No one is better suited to teach your son or daughter than you. Daycare may protect her, soccer and dance class may entertain her, preschool may socialize her, the neighborhood or church may lend a helping hand, but you will leave the greatest impression on her soul. The things you do with your child, and the way you do them will significantly influence your child’s emotional and intellectual destiny. As you work, play, create, read, think and explore with your child you are laying the foundation upon which all of her future intelligence will stand. It is well worth your time, and the time to act is now.

Many parents feel reluctant to teach their young children before they enter kindergarten. Some parents feel inadequate and don’t know where to begin. Others have come to believe that it’s simply the school system’s job to teach their child, and that their role as parent is largely limited to feeding, cleaning and clothing their child. Other parents want to teach their child but struggle with how to teach a wiggly, strong-willed person with a short attention span. Some parents feel that they’re just too busy to do much teaching. Whatever the reason, many parents resign themselves to thinking, “He’ll learn that in kindergarten,” and miss out being involved in what could have been some of the richest and most rewarding years of their child’s life.

The principles and ideas in this blog will help you recognize, create, and capitalize on teaching moments with your child through every stage of his early life.  Whether you are teaching your child how to hit a baseball, how to count to twenty, how to sort socks or how to read a map, you are also teaching him to love to learn. A passion for learning is one of the greatest gifts you can give your child.

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