Friday, March 19, 2010

Be Patient During the Learning Peaks and Valleys

There will be periods in the life of almost every child when he will have a total disinterest in certain learning activities. There will be other times when he will be highly interested and will eagerly seek opportunities to learn and to be involved in the games and in the use of educational toys. Children go through stages of development which are related to their physical, emotional, and psychological growth. Do not be unduly concerned if your child’s level of interest is irregular over a span of time. There will be high and low spots in your child’s responses to learning situations. Wise parents will adapt to these situations without conveying apprehension or worry to their child.

It is by not necessary that your child learn all of the things presented in any particular book or blog, including this one. But it is possible. Too often parents either overlook the need to teach their child basic principles or choose not to teach them for fear of overwhelming their child. You need not worry that you are pressuring your child if you are teaching him when his interest is piqued, and you are applying the reinforcement theory including the 80% rule (please see earlier blog about this subject.) Your child is likely capable of things beyond your expectations. Lovingly offer him the opportunity to try.

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