Friday, February 19, 2010

Building Your Child's Ability to Communicate: Listening

Your child will be able to express all of his wonderful thoughts if you listen to him. The importance of listening to your child cannot be overstated. Seek to have your child express himself in whatever way he is capable of doing so. Encourage your child to express any apprehensions and aspirations he might have. This will yield valuable information to you as parents as well as provide a useful outlet for the child’s feelings. Perceptive parents will learn how to adjust and adapt teaching strategies from what they learn by listening to their child.

Parents should relate to their child in such a way as to provide a feeling of belonging and worthiness. This requires a great amount of loving and listening by the parents. Look at your child when he speaks to you and respond to what he says. Too often, parents provide what they believe is the “right answer” for their child without allowing the child to think creatively to solve problems or express ideas. If your child has a different idea than you, do not put him down or punish him for thinking differently. Value your child’s opinions even if they are simplistic or flawed.

Children need to be listened to with love and understanding in early childhood. Otherwise, the child will go on without gaining vital practice in thinking critically. Let him explain his ideas and his point of view. Ask questions and help him come to his own conclusions. In this way, you will teach your child to think things through for himself and gain self-esteem and confidence.

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