Friday, January 8, 2010

The Home: A Learning Laboratory Full of Opportunities for our Kids Part 2

As parents, when we think of building our child's intellect, shouldn't we try to focus on providing hands-on experiences for our children as they learn? Shouldn't we try to provide ample opportunities to touch, explore and create. Kids need to feel, see, hear, and manipulate objects that will support and reinforce learning. Sometimes I think our homes and attitudes about our homes are not child friendly when it comes to learning.  Does anyone reading this agree? As parents, I think to be successful in building a child’s intellectual power, our homes should provide continuous exposure to a wide variety of experiences, no matter how messy, at times, that it makes our home.  These experiences should stimulate the child’s mind and expand the limits of her understanding and ability. 

What are some ways that your homes provide ample opportunities to touch, explore, and create?  Please share what works for you and ideas that seem to make learning enjoyable and stimulating for your kids. 

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