Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Play Time with Baby: Building Her Sense of Sound

Your baby loves the sound of mommy's voice!  So it's fun to talk to your baby and see her expressions.  

She may already know you are talking to her, especially when you are right in front of her. Now play a game with her that will help her to locate the sound of your voice when it's farther away.   

First, put her in an infant seat in the middle of the room. Then, take a walk around the room while talking or singing to her. Next, make a variety of funny noises in different pitches. Last, start whispering her name and then gradually say her name louder and lounder. 

In the beginning, she may not yet be able to fully turn her head toward your position. However, she will hear differences in the sound of your voice. Over time she will be able locate you as you move from spot to spot. 

Playing this game will help boosts her social development and sense of security as you move out of sight and then reappear as well as build her auditory and visual tracking senses. 

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Playtime with Baby: Build your own Baby Gym

Excite your baby's senses by creating your own baby mobile gymnasium.
Gather colorful toys. Little stuffed animals, rattles, or a ring of plastic keys are examples of what to use. Suspend the play items from clips or clothepins or thread them on a length of strong rope. Then stretch your baby mobile gymnasium across his crib. Make sure the mobile gymnasium is close enough to stimulate his senses but out of reach. This will excite your baby's senses while promoting spatial awareness and eye-hand coordination while you move the toys or talk as you play. He'll likely be delighted and may even coo and kick.

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